We are pleased to introduce a new Noise Nuisance Recorder to the range of products that we have available to buy or to hire.
This recorder is for the environmental health officer, housing association, noise consultant or other professional who is involved in monitoring noisy neighbours.
In fact it is ideal for any application needing accurate noise measurements along with the audio record.
When monitoring noise from neighbours it can be difficult to prove that it came from the neighbour and not some other source, such as vehicles passing or even the complainant trying to falsify evidence.
If trying to resolve the problem amicably fails, the best approach is to get accurate measurements of the noise levels, along with an audio record to prove the nature of the noise: shouting, music, dogs, etc.
There is lots of information on neighbour noise on the Directgov web site.
The Noise Nuisance Recorder consists of a Class 1 Sound Level Meter with the ability to record the audio for playback during analysis. The system consists of the following parts: